AfriGablok for your industry


Think about your national and regional policies in housing, health, education, ... by including the most innovative construction concept

Afrigablok is the ideal construction partner for public authorities needing to conduct large-scale infrastructure deployment policies.

Expand, scale and replicate large real estate projects, with decreased cost and shorter deadline

Afrigablok helps developers and promoters optimize the design of their real estate development projects and accelerate their execution for a faster return on investment.



Simplified construction concept that allows you to build more and optimize your profitability

Afrigablok is also the partner of the contractors by providing efficient and reliable construction means associated with dedicated and skill-proven technical assistance.

Unleash your creativity and design your next project in no time

The concept distributed by Afrigablok offers the world of architecture new tools to push even further the limits of their creativity.



Build your own house by yourself with ease

Afrigablok provides you the material and the assembly instructions to build it by your own. We also can provide a technical assistance if requested.